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Wirtschaftsministerium fördert elf Welcome Center

25. Januar 2014 | Das Neueste, Metropolregion, Wirtschaft

Wirtschaftsminister Schmid: „Welcome Center sind Baustein für die Etablierung einer echten Willkommenskultur in Baden-Württemberg“

Das Wirtschaftsministerium wird im Rahmen der Fachkräfte-Allianz den Aufbau von insgesamt elf „Welcome Center“ für internationale Fachkräfte in Baden-Württemberg unterstützen. Das Pilotprojekt umfasst Welcome Center in zehn Regionen Baden-Württembergs und ein landesweites Welcome Center speziell für den Pflegebereich und das Erziehungswesen. Dafür stellt das Wirtschaftsministerium den Trägern im Jahr 2014 eine Anschubfinanzierung von insgesamt 1,9 Millionen Euro aus Mitteln des Europäischen Sozialfonds zur Verfügung.

„Welcome Center sind ein wichtiger Baustein für die Etablierung einer echten Willkommenskultur in Baden-Württemberg“, erklärte Wirtschaftsminister Nils Schmid. „Ich wünsche mir, dass sich diese Einrichtungen rasch zu zentralen Anlaufstellen sowohl für internationale Fachkräfte als auch für mittelständische Betriebe auf der Suche nach Fachkräften entwickeln“.


Welcome Center entstehen in den Regionen Bodensee-Oberschwaben (Träger: CJD Christliches Jugenddorfwerk, Zuschuss: 145.000 Euro), Donau-Iller (IHK Ulm, 123.000 Euro), Heilbronn-Franken (Wirtschaftsregion Heilbronn-Franken GmbH, 247.000 Euro), Mittlerer Oberrhein (Technologieregion Karlsruhe bei der Stadt Karlsruhe, 128.000 Euro), Neckar-Alb (IHK Reutlingen, 111.000 Euro), Nordschwarzwald (IHK Nordschwarzwald, 126.000 Euro), Rhein-Neckar (Wirtschaftsförderung Stadt Mannheim, 152.000 Euro), Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg (Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg mbH, 206.000 Euro), Stuttgart (Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart GmbH, 258.000 Euro), Südlicher Oberrhein (Freiburg Wirtschaft Touristik und Messe GmbH, 167.000 Euro). Das landesweite Welcome Center für den Pflegebereich und das Erziehungswesen wird von der Diakonie Württemberg in Kooperation mit den anderen Trägern der Sozialwirtschaft in Baden-Württemberg organisiert (221.000 Euro).

Die Welcome Center sollen Betrieben bei der Rekrutierung von ausländischen Fachkräften in Mangelberufen wie beispielsweise Mechanikern, Sanitär- und Heizungstechnikern, Ingenieuren, Informatikern, Pflegekräften oder Erzieherinnen und Erziehern helfen. Zudem sollen die Center internationale Fachkräfte und deren Familien bei der Integration unterstützen, beispielsweise bei Themen wie Aufenthaltsrecht, Arbeitsrecht, Behördengänge, Wohnen, Bildung, Kinderbetreuung und die Arbeitsplatzvermittlung für die Partnerin bzw. den Partner.

Schmid betonte, dass das Bildungsniveau der Neuzugewanderten nach Deutschland in den letzten Jahren nach Angaben des Instituts für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung der Bundesarbeitsagentur kontinuierlich gestiegen ist. Mittlerweile sind rund 80 Prozent durch einen beruflichen oder akademischen Abschluss Fachkräfte. Im Jahr 2000 hatte der Fachkräfteanteil bei 60 Prozent gelegen. „Selbstverständlich muss darüber hinaus das inländische Beschäftigungspotenzial von jungen Menschen, Frauen, älteren Personen und bereits hier lebenden Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund so umfassend wie möglich ausgeschöpft werden“, fügte Schmid hinzu.

Information zum Europäischen Sozialfonds unter

Die Förderperiode 2007 bis 2013 des ESF steht unter der Überschrift „Regionale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Beschäftigung“. Der ESF unterstützt unter dem Motto „Chancen fördern“ in Baden-Württemberg Projekte, die Menschen und Unternehmen in Zeiten sich wandelnder Anforderungen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt fit für die Zukunft machen. Zur Umsetzung des operationellen Programms stehen dem Ministerium für Finanzen und Wirtschaft knapp 87,5 Millionen Euro zur Verfügung.

This hike takes you from the flora of the foothills to a shady sequoia grove. The destination is a flat where ladybugs winter along the South Fork of the Kaweah River. Big Cat Week kicks off on Friday at 8P with Swamp Lions, a story of bravery and perseverance about three mother lions fighting to defend their young. With the tribe male killed off by poachers and two other lions keen on taking the tribe as their own by killing its cubs, the mothers must hunt or be hunted in their difficult quagmire habitat of Zambia swamp.. 12 Kansas State, though even if it doesn’t, the winner of next week’s Baylor Kansas State game will be hurt as TCU will be hurt by the fact that the Big 12 doesn’t have a championship game. As between Baylor, Kansas State, TCU, and Wisconsin, only the Badgers (assuming a win next week) would be able to boast a Power 5 conference championship on their playoff CV.. So, make an effort to be with your wife. You don’t have to do something elaborate. This famous millionaire that gives money to help deserves some recognition. In fact, she recently got some when she was honored for her efforts of the Katrina Charity. The effects were apparent. He could barely walk. Alcohol is a major sin as man can get indulged in major sin after drinking alcohol. Person losses control over his actions after he has taken liquor. Male and female songbirds have different brain structures, particularly in the regions related to sound production. With many songbird species, the males can sing, but the females cannot. Even if Matt Flynn has to play, oakley sunglasses outlet the Raiders may be able to put up yards and points. If the Redskins lose another and go to 0 4, the season is just about over.. „They can also increase generalized itching even in people who do not have eczema,“ she says. For healthier skin, Dr. GOLDMAN: According to the NFL Players Association, which opposed the league’s request for broad protection, a pro NFL decision by the Supreme Court could’ve increased ticket prices, ended or crippled free agency for players, fundamentally altered the way fans Wholesale NFL Jerseys watch football on TV. But the court put those football doomsday scenarios on hold. Television executives themselves understand the principle as it applies to the presidential campaign. Recall the unalloyed joy expressed by CBS Chairman Les Moonves last March at the revenue being generated by Trump appearances on CBS telecasts. Whereas Akt pT308, and Akt pS473 inductions by aa were inhibited by wortmannin, AMPK remained responsive to aa (Fig. 1c,d).
The timing of href=““ target=“_blank“>cheap jerseys the AFL’s purported „fact finding“ mission to the US, involving the two major league execs luckily at a time where there’s nothing much going on in football, ahem was so mind cheap nfl jerseys bogglingly bizarre that even the most reliable of kneejerk media apologists for the AFL were emboldened to question it, albeit in a somewhat tremulous tone. (Incidentally, if earlier reports were accurate, it’s a long way to go not to talk to the NFL Commissioner.)This is by no means an isolated example we only picked Baldur’s Gate because it comes early in the alphabet and there are only so many hours in cheap jerseys the day to get lost in the expanded universe. You’d be astonished by the many massive additions fans have made to their favorite games. Let’s move up a letter to „C“ hey, look, it’s Crimson Echoes, an unofficial expansion of Chrono Trigger. Crimson Echoes adds a new story, 35 hours of gameplay, and 10 different endings (or at least it did Cheap Jerseys until the project received a cease and desist letter). But a playable version still found its way onto the Internet, because that’s literally what the Internet is for, and it was well received by gamers and critics alike.The document, seen by Sports Agenda, is simply a list of names and was being shown to media attending the IOC Congress by German TV station ARD. So IAAF communications chief Nick Davies, rather than moan about the reporting three days later, should have been briefing journalists in Monaco as to why the list in isolation is a long way from cheap oakley sunglasses doping evidence.And the most typical justification of a homicide is self defense,“ Lemmann said.McKnight oakley outlet played three seasons for the New York Jets and one with the Kansas City Chiefs.He spent this season in the Canadian Football League, playing two games for the Edmonton Eskimos and three for the Saskatchewan Roughriders.McKnight was considered the nation’s No. It’s certainly not a retreat for ABLE executives to spend long weekends sitting by the pool. Unlikely to be used for criminals, or kids learning how to read or for printing The discount football jerseys Way to Happiness booklets. So as far as ABLE activities go, that leaves detox/drug rehab. It even looks like Promises and some of the other high end drug rehab facilities north of LA.“We understand that fans wish to support their favorite football team, and we do not believe that fans who are attached to the mascot have any racist feeling or intent,“ she adds. „We also understand that some fans view the name and mascot as an homage to Native Americans, and we do not doubt their noble intent, but the fact remains that Native Americans themselves find the term unacceptable.“

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